What’s on my bookshelf this autumn/winter (2017)
I’ve previously published a reading list for summer 2016 and summer 2017. This is my reading list for this autumn/winter.
What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us–Tim O’Reilly
This is essential reading for anyone thinking about the future and working in technology. It’s the next thing on my reading list.
Move fast and break things
How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Have Cornered Culture and What It Means For All Of Us–Jonathan Taplin
This was a reasonably fast read, but brings together many of the themes and guiding principles that have shaped the success of the likes of Facebook, Google, and Amazon-asking what their increasing dominance means for the rest of us. I don’t think this mantra quite works for the public sector-as noted here.
Platform Revolution
How Networked Markets are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You–Geoffrey G. Parker
At the moment I’m working on some projects dependent on digital or ‘platform’ business models. This book has been especially helpful in thinking about governance for platforms. Focusing on design that influences the cultures, behaviours and norms inside organisations–helping them to operate and grow in different ways enabled by technology–rather than just implementing technology solutions.
Out of the Wreckage
A New Politics for an Age of Crisis — George Monbiot
I’ve just finished this book. It’s radical (which we need to be) and frames its arguments for a new type of politics and democracy around what it means to live in a digital era.
Democracy Squared
Jon Barnes
Sarah Drummond recommended this to me after I posted a quote from Out of the Wreckage on Twitter. I’ve just ordered a copy–it sounds like it will compliment other books on this list.
The Connected Company
Dave Grey
In my new role at FutureGov I’ve been thinking more and more about organisational design, and how this supports service design. This book caught my attention, especially thinking about how to influence culture and the hard task of making change happen in complex organisations.
Dark Matter and Trojan Horses
A Strategic Design Vocabulary–Dan Hill
I met Dan Hill for the first time at the Cross Government design meeting back in September-held at the Design Museum (we were also in a panel discussion together to close the event). I’ve never read his book, but have been planning to after enjoying his talk at the event.
On looking
Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes–Alexander Horowitz
I’ve had this book for a number of years, but have started and failed to finish it a number of times. It’s a lovely read about learning to see the world. Essential reading for designers and researchers learning to look at all aspects of the world more carefully. This is currently my bed side reading when I’m at home.
Swing Time
Zadie Smith
Switching to novels for the last few books on the list. I’ve never read any Zadie Smith, this was an impulse buy at Euston station in London last month. Something a bit different for me.
The Humans
Matt Haig
Matt Haig’s latest book How to Stop Time was on my summer reading list, and was excellent. Moving into his back catalogue as Matt is one of the most human writers I’ve read.
The Man in the High Castle
Philip K. Dick
My interest in this has been drawn by a resurgence in Phillip K. Dick’s work. The recent Bladerunner sequel and series of Channel 4 short stories have made his writing and inspiration more prominent this year.
This particular book was referenced in a recent BBC documentary, Utopia: In Search of the Dream which led to me buying a copy.